Month: November 2018

When you are pregnant, many visible changes occur all over your body. You gain weight, you have new curves and weekly change in shape and your tummy swells big. Inside of you, too you experience fatigue, depressed, unsexy, insecure and sick. However, the good news is that you can feel sexy while pregnant. ‘Sexy’ and ‘Pregnant’ probably does not seem to work together or are we wrong. For some sexiness comes easy while for others it takes some work to feel sexy while pregnant.  Being sexy is very subjective. ‘Sexy’ has no definition, it can differ from people to people, and how one perceives. Sexiness has nothing to do with your physical body. It is just a state of mind. Therefore fee sexy when pregnant could mean feeling comfortable in a body you are finding new and unfamiliar.

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technology rules for family

How to manage family screen time?

There was a time when screen time meant only Television. Now you have at least two smartphones, laptops, tablets, computers, kindle and computer games. Screen time comprises everything except for when a device is meaningfully used for family interaction such as reading together on Kindle. We cannot blame the digital devices; we are all have misused the technology; therefore we all should equally share the blame.

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stay young after having children

Motherhood is a new chapter in a woman’s life. All of a sudden, their life changes 180 degrees. Society perceives the woman after giving birth to become more responsible towards her kids, household chores and raising them responsibly. Thus, women feel once they give birth to a child their beauty has faded and they are frumpier and less attractive. It is obvious when they look at their counterparts without kids look young and beautiful while they themselves are aging more quickly.

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